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Health Abroad

It is solely the participant’s decision and responsibility, and not that of the Accademia, to determine, in consultation with his/her physician, whether his/her physical and mental condition permits them to participate in studying abroad. If any accommodation is required, the participant should submit appropriate documentation to Accademia dell’Arte prior to his/her participation in the program. Accademia dell’Arte may not be able to accommodate all individual needs or circumstances. We do have a school doctor who will be able to make on-site visits.

Studying abroad can be mentally and physically intense, thus we suggest that you get a good bill of physical and mental health from your physician and reflect upon your decision to study abroad.

The challenges of adjusting to a new culture are an important part of what you will be experiencing in Italy. Adjusting to a new environment can be especially difficult when you are away from friends, family and college faculty or staff that you know well. You will have days that are exciting and rewarding and also days where everything seems strange and exhausting.

Any information that you disclose regarding medical history will remain confidential with the appropriate members of the core staff on site. If you are living with a chronic illness, and especially if you are currently on any type of medication, we strongly encourage you discuss with us in order to better prepare support services during your stay with us.

Should you have health issues that are pre-existing or that spontaneously occur, please notify the Student Life Administrator or Student Life Coordinator immediately.

Please inform the Office of Student Life or Program Director of any academic concern (such as a learning disability) or psychological concern (such as depression, anxiety or eating disorder) that you may have so that we may be better prepared to assist you during your time with us.

It is important to disclose your medical history and any current issues with our program staff. This will not affect your application or admission to the program. We want to be informed of your needs before you arrive in Italy in order to provide you with support, appropriate referrals and guidance. Please understand that in our small setting, we cannot duplicate the support services you currently may have.

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